Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First Words?

I think we can officially say that Miss E has said her first words. That's right...words...with an "S"... as in plural. It's a toss up as to which one was first, but right now, Mama and Dada are the first words!

She has been babbling mama and dada for a long time. Usually dada refers to well...just about anything. And mama means I'm tired, grumpy, pissed, etc. But yesterday, she said both with meaning. While playing on the floor, she got up and said "Mama" then started walking towards me with her hands reaching out. And then, when I took her into the bedroom, she pointed to the lump under the sheets (that was the hubs, trying desperately to sleep), smiled and said "Dada" very quietly. And then today, when I picked her up from school, I was just watching her play from the window in her room. She turned around, saw me and smiled. Then she stood up, said "Mama" and started walking over to me!

She isn't babbling those two words much all of a sudden. I think she's realized that they mean something. I keep going back and forth in my head trying to determine who's name she said first. I am sure hubs thinks it's Dada. But I honestly think it's a tie.

In other vocabulary news, her babbling is starting to sound like talking. A sound she makes all the time is sounding more and more like "What's that?" And "Sa" is getting "Si" added to it a lot more for Sassy. And earlier tonight it sure sounded like she said Tia. I can only imagine when she starts actually talking. It's going to be nonstop.

And since I don't have a video of her talking, enjoy the following:

Don't be alarmed. That is dogs snarling in the background. And Ella is almost in the middle of them. Maybe it's because Ella really did get used to all 7 dogs (8 now) barking, growling and snarling while in the womb. But I can't describe the joy on this little girl's face when the dogs start playing. She absolutely loves it when teeth are bared and the fur flies. She may sound like she's getting upset in the following video, but trust me, there is a big 'ol smile plastered on her face!

And some official walking. The only thing she can't do yet is stand up on her own without pulling up on something. But she's practicing for sure.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I Am Thankful For...

For being able to still go "home" to a warm, loud, beautiful house, courtesy of my mama

For keeping everything you've ever had...in a massive storage unit...outside in the cold. Because one day, you just might pull it out again for your grandaughter.

For a silly daddy

For Miss E not throwing up while eating dinner

For the silly pictures that make you realize you just need to give up getting the little to smile AT the camera

For the furry poodle always willing to get in your lap

For the groomers at Exmoor who allow Boo to see again

For the Smurf 'n' Turf...just cuz

For the sweet baby girl who has brought a whole new joy to my life

For Tia Santa, who lets E drag her around every morning by the hand

For the poodle-horsie

For a mother in law who did a fabulous job raising her son

For the most amazing hubs a girl could ask for, who works extra hard so I can spend precious time with my girl

For every little moment that I wish away, counting the minutes until she can crawl, walk, talk, be in a room without constant supervision.

For my family

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Turkey Day Eve

Tutu cute!

Cutest little pants eva!! From Gapbaby, they are little leggings (with a reinforced knee for crawlers, how genius!) that have a tutu attached.

Trying to eat the knob after I repeatedly told her no. She continues to go for things that are off limits and watches me as I tell her no, just in case I decide to change my mind or something.

Walkin on over

And then just one piggy...

After a nap and a wardrobe change we headed outside to enjoy the beautiful weather before the freeze sets in. Miss E loooves to be outside. At Sassy and Poppy's house she constantly walks to the front door and then cries to get out in the yard.

I just love that Ella is in school. When I picked her up this week, I got a little treat....

Her very first artwork!! I can only imagine how much fun she had doing this little project. She loves to put her hands in things and splash around. I had kept meaning to let her play with finger paint here at home but never got the time to do it. Can't wait to see what's next!
Love you my little da Vinci!

Two Piggys, One Pony

Holy piggys, E's hair is long enough to pull back into one ponytail!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

10 Months!

Just getting cuter and sweeter by the day!

It has gotten difficult to take pictures of Miss E. Well, ones that are actually of her face anyways. And a smile while she's facing the camera? Pretty much unheard of. No matter how many crazy sounds I make or toys I tempt her with, she's just too distracted. She doesn't want to stand still. No, she wants to walk over and get the camera that is in front of my face.

Going, going...

Baby girl has done so much over the last couple of months. From crawling to walking to talking. She still wants to crawl a lot of the time, but is walking between things and making it look easy peasy. Always on the go, snuggling has taken a back seat lately, which makes this mama a little sad.
She now completely understands the word no and usually listens. And she is starting to remember things I have told her not to do, like stand up in the bathtub.
She can say most of the sounds of the letters of the alphabet. She can even say her "S's". Kinda crazy, right? I think it's because she hears "Sassy" all the time. She will say "Sa" and Si" And it's a bit hard to tell, but she can also say her "T's". Though not as much as the "S". The other day, she threw in the "C" or "K" sound. Tia nailed it when she said Ella sounded like the sucky-wand-thingy (the scientific name you know) at the dentist's office! There is also lots of shrieking and screaming. You think she's upset but it will end with a smile. I'm going with she's just trying out her vocal chords...right??
She also imitates noises and motions, like coughing, clapping and meows. When we picked her up from school Friday her teacher asked if we say "Yayyy!" to her alot. I just replied, "Oh she clapped for you huh? Yeah, she's just as proud of herself as we are."
E is also really enjoying books these days. Whenever I start Brown Bear, Brown Bear, that little girl's face lights up! And it's now usually followed by a little clapping. She studies the cover, then slowly turns the pages, intensely looking at every detail. And when I finish, I usually put the book down on the nightstand. Well she loves it so much that she will shimmy her way out of my arms to the table, grab the book and bring it back to my face. Sooo, we read it again...and again....and again until it's way past her naptime.
And school? L-o-v-i-n it! I can't help but worry that will change. I know she will have good days and bad days. But when we picked her up last week her teacher asked if she had ever been in daycare because she was so happy! No crying whatsoever. And she is already attached to her teachers, which I am very grateful for. From what I hear from other moms, it won't be too long before she's asking me to take her to school everyday. ::Tear::
Miss E is really good at manipulating toys and objects, but hadn't yet done the following repeatedly. While playing the other day, I showed her how the toy worked a few times and Bam! she started doing it herself. What a smart cookie! Thanks Uncle Bob and Aunt Ruth for E's new favorite toy!

Friday, November 12, 2010


Somebody sure loves her blankie. Miss E pulled it out of her night bag that was packed for a stay with Sassy and Poppy. She likes to rub her face in it, as well as her lovey at night. Hmmm..sounds oddly like her mama. Well, I mean, uhh, I don't do that now as an adult. That I know of! But as a child I loved rubbing soft things on my face. So when she's older she can say, "Well I got my stubborness from my Dad and I got my strange love to rub blankets on my face from my Mom." Yeah, that has therapy written all over it.