Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's Gonna Be a Juicy Summer

Of all the things that are available to entertain your little one, it's the free things that make the biggest impression. Boxes, wrapping paper, plastic cups, these are a few of her favorite things. Today while I was getting ready, I set Miss E on the bathroom counter and felt too lazy to walk all the way back to her nursery to get some toys. So I looked around the counter and did a quick scan and check...what could she play with that she couldn't choke on, didn't have weird chemicals, wouldn't leave marks on her face (as in eyeshadow and liner) and might entertain her for more than two seconds?? Well, Walgreens brand Cotton Rounds, Mandi!! Now I know you aren't suppossed to let babies play with plastic bags, but never fear, I was right by her side.

This was right before she threw the bag on the floor....Harumph, I am sooo done with this mother.

Once I was all made up for the day, I ran into E's room happily shouting, "Today is a Juicy day!!" This of course means nothing other than a Juicy Couture outfit was to adorn my wee one. So behold, her terry Pineapple Juicy dress. Courtesy of Sassy.

Ahhhh...I love a Juicy summer!!

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