I swear since the day this child was born, she has been trying to walk. At only a few weeks old, E was always trying to climb up and over your shoulder. By 2 months, she was completely able to stand on her own with some help. By 4 months, she could stand up while propped against something. Not too long ago, she started putting one foot in front of the other and "walking" with help. Miss E is getting pretty good at it. Mind you, the child refuses to roll over, but sits up and walks. Don't know why since the muscles required to sit up and walk are developed by rolling over. Guess she doesn't feel like she has the time to mess with insignificant rolling over, this baby has places to go!!
Put your little foot, put your little foot, put your little foot right here...
I saw you sent the email but I forgot to check!! OMG those pictures with E and Daddy on Pops day....holy cutness!!!!!!!!