Not a newborn. Not an infant. Not even a baby anymore. I have a toddler. A running, talking, screaming, laughing toddler. That's a word I haven't gotten used to saying.
I have a toddler who is officially bilingual. She points and says "Cow" when the longhorns pass by or just out to the pasture where she knows they live. But she also calls them "Vaca", Spanish for cow.
I have a toddler who said "Octopuh" last night in the tub. She has a bathtime book with pictures of sea creatures that she will point to then look at me and wait for me to tell her what exactly it is she is looking at. She loves that darn octopus and I about fell off my stool when she repeated it after me.
I have a toddler that has overcome the flu. It nearly caused us both to run headfirst into a tree, moving vehicle or very large, angry, hungry ape...your choice.
I have a toddler that talks on the phone to herself and her Dada and Sassy, brushes her hair (and Mommy's), puts your sunglasses on your face and puts the headband she just yanked off your head back where it belongs.
I have a toddler who is obsessed with herself. When she sees herself in a mirror... "Ella!" When she sees a picture of herself on the computer screensaver... "Ella!" When she steals your phone and sees her picture on it... "Ella!" When you say her name with that menacing-sohelpmechild-before-I-come-over-there-and-smackyourbottom tone...."Ella!"
I have a toddler than throws a small tantrum
I have a toddler that wears sparkly Converse Chuck Taylors.
I have a 13 month old toddler that is the silliest, adorable-est, most difficult, trying, kissing, hugging light of my life.