I found this awesome gadget at Buy Buy Baby and thought it would be perfect for our little kicker. She is constantly wiggling around and I swear she's trying to walk already. Well I was right, she instantly started kicking away and realized that when she did, it made her slide back and forth. Score one for mom!!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A Week of Ella
This past Sunday, Aunt Jess came up from Houston to meet Ella for the very first time. We are so glad she came to see us and miss her very much. Ella can't wait to meet her cousin Jack!

Aunt Jess lovingly pointed out that Ella is rockin a Kate Gosselin 'do. In case you don't know who that is, it's the mom from Jon and Kate Plus Eight on TLC. Kate has gotten a lot of flack for her choice of hairstyle. But Ella totally rocks it!

For Valentine's Day, Tia got Sassy some super cute little outfits for her Sweet Pea to wear. Finally the weather was nice enough to take her out of fleece jumpers and let her wear something cute all day.

And we are still working on that tummy time. Even though she can pretty much hold her head up now, I still try to put her on her play mat. And yep, she still doesn't like it. But here is a shot from the first few seconds before the crying ensued.

A few nights ago while trying to calm a fussy girl, I was rocking her and she started to fall asleep. She kept sliding down my arm until she ended up like this. I couldn't stand to wake her up so she stayed like this for awhile. She was soooo worn out!

Last week, Ella went on her first shopping trip! Sassy joined us for lunch and then shopping at Nordstroms. Ella was an angel! She hung out in her sling the whole time and just chilled. Not even a peep! I couldn't believe it, she was such a trooper. We then went to Linda Asaf's studio and met up with Tia who is having Linda design her wedding dress!! It was so much fun and Ella slept the whole time in Sassy's arms while Tia and Mommy oohed and aahed over all the beautiful dresses. She wore her ladybug outfit and looked adorable!
For Valentine's Day, Tia got Sassy some super cute little outfits for her Sweet Pea to wear. Finally the weather was nice enough to take her out of fleece jumpers and let her wear something cute all day.
And we are still working on that tummy time. Even though she can pretty much hold her head up now, I still try to put her on her play mat. And yep, she still doesn't like it. But here is a shot from the first few seconds before the crying ensued.
A few nights ago while trying to calm a fussy girl, I was rocking her and she started to fall asleep. She kept sliding down my arm until she ended up like this. I couldn't stand to wake her up so she stayed like this for awhile. She was soooo worn out!
Last week, Ella went on her first shopping trip! Sassy joined us for lunch and then shopping at Nordstroms. Ella was an angel! She hung out in her sling the whole time and just chilled. Not even a peep! I couldn't believe it, she was such a trooper. We then went to Linda Asaf's studio and met up with Tia who is having Linda design her wedding dress!! It was so much fun and Ella slept the whole time in Sassy's arms while Tia and Mommy oohed and aahed over all the beautiful dresses. She wore her ladybug outfit and looked adorable!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Things Learned as a SAHM
That's lingo for stay-at-home-mom...which I officially am today!! Daddy went back to work and I thought it would be brilliant to take Sweet Pea out and see some friends. Well, here's how well that went...
We went to see Uncle Deklynd and Uncle Michael first. I thought I timed it so that she wouldn't be hungry while we were out. Well, the best laid plans... As soon as we got there, she started fussing and wanted to eat. So I started feeding her. Uncle Michael decided to point out that when you feed babies, something must come out the other end. As SOON as I said, 'No, not really, she doesn't poo much', what happens?? Oh yeah, a massive blowout.
So I take her out to the car to change her and she just keeps on pooping. And then she projectile poops on me. And it just keeps on coming. At this point I have used a fistful of wipes. And it STILL keeps coming. There is poo on the changing mat, the car seat, me, my daughter and her clothes. The new mom in me starts to panic. I frantically looked around the car for something to catch all the poo. Wouldn't you know that the ONE time I don't have a ton of napkins laying around is the ONE time I absolutely need them!
So I did what any panicked mom would do...put her in a clean diaper and let the poo keep coming. Yep, I left my darling daughter in a dirty diaper. I then take her back inside where she proceeds to spit up all over her cute (and poopy) outfit because in all the ruckus I forgot to burp her. I then tell Uncle Michael that he is no longer allowed around my daughter because he brings out the worst in her...literally :)
So I decide to run by the Randall's to grab some wipes, get her all cleaned up and finish my errands. Simple, easy-peasy, right? This is what happens.
We went to see Uncle Deklynd and Uncle Michael first. I thought I timed it so that she wouldn't be hungry while we were out. Well, the best laid plans... As soon as we got there, she started fussing and wanted to eat. So I started feeding her. Uncle Michael decided to point out that when you feed babies, something must come out the other end. As SOON as I said, 'No, not really, she doesn't poo much', what happens?? Oh yeah, a massive blowout.
So I take her out to the car to change her and she just keeps on pooping. And then she projectile poops on me. And it just keeps on coming. At this point I have used a fistful of wipes. And it STILL keeps coming. There is poo on the changing mat, the car seat, me, my daughter and her clothes. The new mom in me starts to panic. I frantically looked around the car for something to catch all the poo. Wouldn't you know that the ONE time I don't have a ton of napkins laying around is the ONE time I absolutely need them!
So I did what any panicked mom would do...put her in a clean diaper and let the poo keep coming. Yep, I left my darling daughter in a dirty diaper. I then take her back inside where she proceeds to spit up all over her cute (and poopy) outfit because in all the ruckus I forgot to burp her. I then tell Uncle Michael that he is no longer allowed around my daughter because he brings out the worst in her...literally :)
So I decide to run by the Randall's to grab some wipes, get her all cleaned up and finish my errands. Simple, easy-peasy, right? This is what happens.
Take her smelly little self out of the car seat and put her in the sling.
Go into Randall's and grab wipes.
Baby starts crying.
Approach the checkout line, where about 10 people are waiting.
New mommy panic. Again.
Listen to announcer call for cashier backup.
Baby starts to wail.
Get the stink eye from the lady in front of me who is trying to have a convo on her cell.
Start to seriously panic.
Watch as NO ONE comes to open another check out lane.
Frantically drop the wipes and run out of the store.
So there are two things I have learned today. (1) Never leave the house without several bottles. (2) Never, ever leave the house without a motherload stock pile of wipes. And finally, (3) motherhood teaches humility. Stinky, spit-uppy humility.
Guess what I can do now?
Ella has her 1 month doctor's appointment yesterday and we got proof that she is getting so big! At birth she weighed 7 lbs, 8oz. and now weighs 9lbs, 2oz! She is 21 inches, up from 20 inches when she was born. And she's still in the 50% percentile for everything. Sweet Pea is starting to fit into 3 month clothes, but only the smaller fit ones.
At 1 month, Ella:
Lifts her head up most of the time and holds it for several seconds
Starts to suck her thumb
Holds onto the bottle and brings it to her mouth when she's hungry and pushes it away when she's full
Stretches her legs out more and doesn't stay in the fetal position so much
Turns her head from side to side and follows Mommy's face and voice with her eyes
Smiles in reaction to Mommy
Has good eye contact
Loves her bouncy seat
Likes when Sassy reads to her (her fave right now is Llama, Llama, Red Pajama)
Is starting to coo instead of just grunt
Slept for 8 long hours the last 2 nights
Sunday, February 14, 2010
I'm a Mom, Now What??
Not only the title of a great book, but a great question. In Ella's first month of life, I have learned quite a few things. How to change a diaper and how to give a baby a bath among other things. But here are a few of the most surprising.
1. Asking myself questions I know are useless, but I ask out of desperation, like 'How in the world can I get her to sleep throughout the night?!?!'
2. Sadly, when I refer to a blowout, I do not mean my recent trip to the salon. It is something that comes quick and dirty in the diaper area.
3. Yes, I have considered matching outfits for me and the little one.
4. It is possible to walk around with spit up on your clothes all day.
5. My stretchy maternity pants have indeed replaced my Joe's Jeans and Prada heels, but I refuse to look anything less than semi-perfect to run errands. Even if semi-perfect only consists of concealer and lipgloss.
6. I have never been so happy to open little one's diaper and find poo.
7. The clicking noise I hear over the monitor at night is not an alien-monster that came out from under her crib to snatch her away (My dear Hubby verified this). It is the oh-so-adorable noise she makes when she is sucking away at nothing like there is a paci in her mouth.
8. There is nothing sweeter than when I burp my baby and she snuggles her head into my neck and I rest my chin on that crazy head of hair.
9. I have never been more determined to fit into those damn skinny jeans...like now.
10. I would be curled up in a ball in my closet, rocking back and forth mumbling insanity to the point where no amount of drugs, booze or chocolate could convince me to come out if it wasn't for my mother. Thanks Sassy!
1. Asking myself questions I know are useless, but I ask out of desperation, like 'How in the world can I get her to sleep throughout the night?!?!'
2. Sadly, when I refer to a blowout, I do not mean my recent trip to the salon. It is something that comes quick and dirty in the diaper area.
3. Yes, I have considered matching outfits for me and the little one.
4. It is possible to walk around with spit up on your clothes all day.
5. My stretchy maternity pants have indeed replaced my Joe's Jeans and Prada heels, but I refuse to look anything less than semi-perfect to run errands. Even if semi-perfect only consists of concealer and lipgloss.
6. I have never been so happy to open little one's diaper and find poo.
7. The clicking noise I hear over the monitor at night is not an alien-monster that came out from under her crib to snatch her away (My dear Hubby verified this). It is the oh-so-adorable noise she makes when she is sucking away at nothing like there is a paci in her mouth.
8. There is nothing sweeter than when I burp my baby and she snuggles her head into my neck and I rest my chin on that crazy head of hair.
9. I have never been more determined to fit into those damn skinny jeans...like now.
10. I would be curled up in a ball in my closet, rocking back and forth mumbling insanity to the point where no amount of drugs, booze or chocolate could convince me to come out if it wasn't for my mother. Thanks Sassy!
Valentine's Day Eve Celebration
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Such a big day!!
Happy Birthday Sweet Ella Rose!! You are 1 month old today! I love you more and more. And thanks for being so happy while Mommy played dress up with you like she was a 5 year old girl playing with her Christian Louboutin Barbie.
First we had to start Valentine's Day Eve with an appropriate outfit. Got Kisses??

First we had to start Valentine's Day Eve with an appropriate outfit. Got Kisses??
But here's the good stuff!! I know I'm biased, but I may have THE cutest little girl E.V.E.R.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Almost 1 Month!
So we haven't been out much because the weather has been so yucky. We've been hanging out at the casa staying toasty and warm. This Saturday the 13th, our little raspberry will be 1 month old! Time flies when you have a crying, pooping, hungry newborn!
Ella is now somewhat enjoying her bath time. I think she has figured out the routine. We do a bath, then eat and drift off to sleepy time.

The out of control hair has turned into a faux-hawk! The back and front of her hair lay down flat while the top sticks straight up. I'm not sure why we even try brushing it after her bath at night. As soon as it starts to dry, stick straight in the air it goes!

I know the Colts sadly lost the Superbowl. They were robbed of their victory! But our little fan stuck by her team the whole time. I finally put a bow in her hair and she totally didn't mind it! Ella watched the game with her Sassy and Poppy while Mommy and Daddy went to a Superbowl Party. Daddy wasn't very happy at the end of the night!

And finally, we had professional newborn pictures done by Heather Banks of Eclectic Images Photography. She is the talent behind our wedding pictures so we knew we had to have her photograph the next stage in our lives together. Ella cooperated only towards the end of the photo shoot. She knew something special was going on and just wouldn't go to sleep. Sassy finally got her to drift off a bit. This is a preview, edited by Sassy. You know my girl has got to have her pearls..we are Southern Belles after all!
Ella is now somewhat enjoying her bath time. I think she has figured out the routine. We do a bath, then eat and drift off to sleepy time.
The out of control hair has turned into a faux-hawk! The back and front of her hair lay down flat while the top sticks straight up. I'm not sure why we even try brushing it after her bath at night. As soon as it starts to dry, stick straight in the air it goes!
I know the Colts sadly lost the Superbowl. They were robbed of their victory! But our little fan stuck by her team the whole time. I finally put a bow in her hair and she totally didn't mind it! Ella watched the game with her Sassy and Poppy while Mommy and Daddy went to a Superbowl Party. Daddy wasn't very happy at the end of the night!
And finally, we had professional newborn pictures done by Heather Banks of Eclectic Images Photography. She is the talent behind our wedding pictures so we knew we had to have her photograph the next stage in our lives together. Ella cooperated only towards the end of the photo shoot. She knew something special was going on and just wouldn't go to sleep. Sassy finally got her to drift off a bit. This is a preview, edited by Sassy. You know my girl has got to have her pearls..we are Southern Belles after all!
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