Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'm a Mom, Now What??

Not only the title of a great book, but a great question. In Ella's first month of life, I have learned quite a few things. How to change a diaper and how to give a baby a bath among other things. But here are a few of the most surprising.

1. Asking myself questions I know are useless, but I ask out of desperation, like 'How in the world can I get her to sleep throughout the night?!?!'

2. Sadly, when I refer to a blowout, I do not mean my recent trip to the salon. It is something that comes quick and dirty in the diaper area.

3. Yes, I have considered matching outfits for me and the little one.

4. It is possible to walk around with spit up on your clothes all day.

5. My stretchy maternity pants have indeed replaced my Joe's Jeans and Prada heels, but I refuse to look anything less than semi-perfect to run errands. Even if semi-perfect only consists of concealer and lipgloss.

6. I have never been so happy to open little one's diaper and find poo.

7. The clicking noise I hear over the monitor at night is not an alien-monster that came out from under her crib to snatch her away (My dear Hubby verified this). It is the oh-so-adorable noise she makes when she is sucking away at nothing like there is a paci in her mouth.

8. There is nothing sweeter than when I burp my baby and she snuggles her head into my neck and I rest my chin on that crazy head of hair.

9. I have never been more determined to fit into those damn skinny now.

10. I would be curled up in a ball in my closet, rocking back and forth mumbling insanity to the point where no amount of drugs, booze or chocolate could convince me to come out if it wasn't for my mother. Thanks Sassy!

1 comment:

  1. Jack does the clicky noise too! He still does it! Its actually a great thing (he doesnt take the passy anymore or doesnt suck his thumb) so he sucks on air or sucks on his shirt. I know he is really tired when he starts making his cluck cluck noises and promptly goes down for a nap! So its a good thing! Love it :)
