Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Happy 6 Month Birthday Ella!

Today, Miss E you are a whopping 6 months old! You have grown right beneath our eyes and I don't want to forget one moment of it. You have gone from a teeny, tiny baby to a curious, laughing baby girl.

Coming in at 15.5 lbs and 25 inches, Ella:
Studies patterns and graphics on clothes
Said "da" (we are pretty sure anyways!)
Does her own version of the 'scooch' while laying on you
Stares at her hands and feet a la "Sixteen Candles" when Samantha's sister Ginny is all doped up before her wedding
Sits up for 30 minutes or so by herself
Stands for just a few seconds while holding herself up
Barely starting to pull herself up
Gives raspberries all.the.time
Has teeth right around the corner...she's been very chewy lately
Actually waves goodbye by opening and closing her fist
Grabs at everything (mommy has to watch where she sets Miss E...we won't mention the glass vase she somehow got a hold of on the kitchen counter)
Is very, very, very curious...she picks things up and studies them
Rolled over twice with alot of encouragement from me but really has no interest in it
Leans so far over when sitting that she flips herself onto her tummy
Is in love with Boo the dog, who is not so in love with her (wanting to grab the white fur is what led to the first scooches)
Flips pages in books while reading
Loves faces and hair and yanks on both
So here you are baby girl, looking cuter and cuter every day

Grabbing at the camera...something she has had a long standing fascination with

Notice the hand on the right

I want it Mommy!

Still grabbing at the camera...I'm still flashing away, probably blinding her at this point

GOT IT!!!!

Angel with a tutu

Leaning forward to study the floor

Told ya she likes patterns


Finally I get a smile!

A bow initial I made for Miss E's birthday. She's got so many bows we are on four bow boards and this! And yes, she does wear them every day. Have you met me?!?!?

To celebrate the big day, we played in the Jumperoo for a bit. It has a new found interest for her now that she really plays with all the gadgets on it. Here she is trying to figure out just how to get that banana from Point A to her mouth.

We played a little KneeBouncers with Sassy

And ended the day poolside

This kid looooooves the water. She was a bit grumpy because she decided in her infinite wisdom that afternoon naps are for babies. Put her in the pool and voila! Happy, Happy Baby!

Grabbing for the camera, yet again.

I remember thinking this day would never come. That we would be stuck at 2 months forever. That she would never stop crying and I would be waking up twice a night for the rest of my life. Yeah..they grow out of that. Well and a formula change helped! But here we are. Halfway to her first birthday. I know people say not to wish your baby will start crawling, walking, etc. But I truly can't wait. I love watching her discover new things. I will stop what I'm doing and just watch her. I got to see her figure out a toy where when you pull a string, a pinwheel spins. Her eyes lit up with amazement as she watched the colors fly by. I remember thinking how glad I was that I turned around to see that just in time. It is a picture that is forever imprinted in my memory. Can't wait to see what's next Miss E!!

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