Monday, July 5, 2010

Yeah I Know, I'm Too Old

I debated posting this because, well, let's face it. I'm a bit too old to be obsessed with a teen novel/movie. And it's a bit embarrassing. However, there are those friends of mine who are just as into the Team Jacob/Team Edward debate as I know who you are.
I decided to post because believe it or not, Twilight played an integral part in my pregnancy with Miss E. When I first found out I was pregnant, I had decided to start reading the series. I am normally a very speedy reader. Little did I know how enthralled I was to become that I would finish all 4 600-ish page books in less than 2 weeks. Those books kept me sane through the first few scary weeks of being pregnant. Every time I opened them up, I was completely drawn away from the scary, real world that I was in and into a totally old school romantic one where I decided I wanted my husband to become a vamp and bite me. Shaun found me reading them at all hours of the day. And anywhere I could sit down.
I was also really into white cheddar popcorn at the time. I was eating bagfuls in one sitting. And all my friends knew and laughed at me. Well it turns out that I was sharing that delicious airy snack. When my best friend wanted to borrow and read one of the books, I got a text from her letting me know that when she turned a particular page, out fell some cheesy popcorn! I told her to keep it, morning sickness had set in and popcorn was definitely on the barf list.
So, as you can see, Twilight has left me with very fond memories. I think back to how excited I was to find out we were having a baby. And I think about the wonderful friends and family that held my hand when I was overcome with nervousness before appointments.
In fact, there was a running joke that I was in fact pregnant with a vamp baby and Ella would come out with fangs. Oh only if that were true!
So all this to say, that my best friend scored tickets to a sneak preview event last week of the new movie, Eclipse, the third in the series. There were nine theaters all showing it the night before it was to be released. So a newlywed, a new mom and a very pregnant gal all got together and went to see Eclipse. And we were the oldest people there who didn't have teenage children. Enough said.

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