I think we can officially say that Miss E has said her first words. That's right...words...with an "S"... as in plural. It's a toss up as to which one was first, but right now, Mama and Dada are the first words!
She has been babbling mama and dada for a long time. Usually dada refers to well...just about anything. And mama means I'm tired, grumpy, pissed, etc. But yesterday, she said both with meaning. While playing on the floor, she got up and said "Mama" then started walking towards me with her hands reaching out. And then, when I took her into the bedroom, she pointed to the lump under the sheets (that was the hubs, trying desperately to sleep), smiled and said "Dada" very quietly. And then today, when I picked her up from school, I was just watching her play from the window in her room. She turned around, saw me and smiled. Then she stood up, said "Mama" and started walking over to me!
She isn't babbling those two words much all of a sudden. I think she's realized that they mean something. I keep going back and forth in my head trying to determine who's name she said first. I am sure hubs thinks it's Dada. But I honestly think it's a tie.
In other vocabulary news, her babbling is starting to sound like talking. A sound she makes all the time is sounding more and more like "What's that?" And "Sa" is getting "Si" added to it a lot more for Sassy. And earlier tonight it sure sounded like she said Tia. I can only imagine when she starts actually talking. It's going to be nonstop.
And since I don't have a video of her talking, enjoy the following:
Don't be alarmed. That is dogs snarling in the background. And Ella is almost in the middle of them. Maybe it's because Ella really did get used to all 7 dogs (8 now) barking, growling and snarling while in the womb. But I can't describe the joy on this little girl's face when the dogs start playing. She absolutely loves it when teeth are bared and the fur flies. She may sound like she's getting upset in the following video, but trust me, there is a big 'ol smile plastered on her face!
And some official walking. The only thing she can't do yet is stand up on her own without pulling up on something. But she's practicing for sure.