Thursday, November 25, 2010

I Am Thankful For...

For being able to still go "home" to a warm, loud, beautiful house, courtesy of my mama

For keeping everything you've ever a massive storage unit...outside in the cold. Because one day, you just might pull it out again for your grandaughter.

For a silly daddy

For Miss E not throwing up while eating dinner

For the silly pictures that make you realize you just need to give up getting the little to smile AT the camera

For the furry poodle always willing to get in your lap

For the groomers at Exmoor who allow Boo to see again

For the Smurf 'n' Turf...just cuz

For the sweet baby girl who has brought a whole new joy to my life

For Tia Santa, who lets E drag her around every morning by the hand

For the poodle-horsie

For a mother in law who did a fabulous job raising her son

For the most amazing hubs a girl could ask for, who works extra hard so I can spend precious time with my girl

For every little moment that I wish away, counting the minutes until she can crawl, walk, talk, be in a room without constant supervision.

For my family

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