Thursday, January 20, 2011

Long Overdue

I am just now getting the time and energy to post the last of Ella's "what I can do now" posts. Kinda sad, but exciting at the same time when I look at how much she has grown in the last month. So here we go...

At 1 year Miss E can:

Talk up a friggin storm..She says Iza (and points to my sister's dog when she goes to say hi to her everyday), kitty, cat, shoe, sock, Sa, Tia, mama, dada, outside and Ella (she will point at a picture of herself or her name monogrammed on her chair). It's not just babble, she recognizes what all those words mean. The babbling part is completely incomprehensible.

Says awwwww when you say awwwww when she does something cute

Gives toys to you and tries to feed you

Blows her nose, just not into the tissue. She likes to actually "blow" after you've wiped her nose.

Points at things and says "What's that?"

Can almost go up and down steps by herself

Tells Maggie to jump

Plays peek-a-boo

Helps take off and put on her clothes

Loves to play chase...all you have to do is tell her you're gonna get her and off she goes. And then if you say "You're gonna get me" and run she comes after you.

Imitates sounds and actions constantly. I tickled dada last night and she picked it up immediately and started tickling him. It was the cutest darn thing!

She has 8 chompers which she is putting to use. And she is finally starting to eat more solid food. She only gags every once in a while. But she's going to be a picky eater, just like her mama was as a child.

Her 12 month size clothes are finally not hugely large on her. They are still baggy at the waist but not falling off-saggy butt.

Things I wish Ella wasn't doing:

Pinching, scratching, hitting and biting...I got bit 4 times today. I realize all this is not out of anger, except the hitting out of frustration. The rest she just doesn't know any better, but ouchie! it hurts when she bites.

Climbing on everything so that I can't take one watchful eye off her for a split second for fear she may scale the washing machine and swan dive into the litterbox. Why oh why child?!?!

Throwing tantrums. I know I've said she has had them before but the other day was a full on doozie. It lasted a good 30 minutes. Arms hitting, legs kicking, thrashing in her crib. I was scared, very very scared. So hard to believe when you look at that sweet little face, huh?

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