Friday, August 13, 2010

I'm Seven Months!!

Look at you sweet Miss E!! You are growing so much! And it seems like you wake up each morning and decide to do a new trick. And then I make you perform said trick over and over for my sheer delight. It's kinda like you are my party trick baby...hmmm...maybe I could take you around to soirees and have you amaze unsuspecting guests with your brilliant abilities. I'm sure you would be a hit!

OK, enough daydreaming, on to the point of this post...

Happy 7 Month Birthday Ella!

In yo' face homegirl!! (said with slightly thug accent)

Wow, that frog is looking about the same size as E


Just the cutest little piggytails you have ever seen dahlin'

So sweet and innocent...yeah you try changing the diaper of this wiggly wee one

Ohmmgeee...That is HILARIOUS Mama!!

Weighing 16 lbs, 2 oz and 26.5 inches long Ella:
Rolls over both ways now...even when on the changing table
Pulls herself up from a seated position
Still waiting on those teeth! They are right beneath her gum looking like they are going to pop out any second
Likes to eat banana, mango, blueberries, squash, sweet potato, apple, carrots, oatmeal, apricots, pears and prunes
Will drink from her sippy cup if she feels like it
Laughs a lot at the most unusual things (me yelling at the cat, Tia jumping around, the dogs barking)
Says dada, mama, baba and ya all.the.time and knows what they mean. She will look at dada and say it, look at me and say mama
Reaches out for me to hold her when she is in someone else's arms (melt my heart)
Is still a very outgoing baby. She smiles and laughs at just about anybody.
Walks with our help and takes off practically at a run
Will walk to things then reach out and hold herself up on them
Almost scooch-crawling, she's going backwards right now
Pushes herself back up to a sitting position from being on her belly
Still loves to look at herself in the mirror and recognizes that it's her
Gives baby hugs when sitting in your lap, she reaches out and grabs your clothes and then buries her face in your neck
Is better about napping, in fact, right now she is actually napping IN her crib, not a carseat or nap nanny. I'm desperately trying to get her ready for Hawaii
Can't wait to see what's next Sweet Pea!!

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