Tuesday, August 17, 2010

You'd Never Know...

That sweet Miss E got a shot today. Yup. That smiley, adorable, love of my life pictured below got a mean ol' shot at the doctor's office.
It all started at her 6 month well check. In the past she has had some issues with her shots, specifically the DtaP that may have to do with her milk allergy. I know the nurses thought I was crazy with my frantic calls complaining of her screams that sounded a lot like the ones before we diagnosed her allergy. Well, mama's intuition may have been right. Our wonderful pedi listened to my concerns and suggested spacing out her vaccines. So she got all but the DtaP at 6 months and got that one today, a month later, to see if it indeed is the one that bothers her.
Dada got to go with us today and provided much needed entertainment for E with his hat. Yes, his baseball cap. She loves those things! She will yank and yank until you put your head down to her mouth so she can attempt to chew on the hat. When the nurse came in, E smiled her sweet smile and turned right around, fascinated and in love with her dada.
So I let him hold her during the shot, which I might add, took a lot of patience on my part. Well don't you know that baby girl didn't make a PEEP when that needle stuck her leg!! She looked up at the nurse, then turned around and smiled at dada! The nurse looked at us, we looked at the nurse, then we all looked at Miss E waiting for the wail. But no, it never came. She has always handled her shots well, crying for a few seconds before resuming whatever activity she was in before the stick. I have assumed that she has a high pain tolerance combined with the fact that she's a pretty easy going gal. But no cry, at all??? The nurse then said, "Well that never happens!"
So here we are at home and E is a little fussy, not too bad. We shall see how the next few days go. In the past it was always 24-72 hours after the DtaP that were the worst.
But when she is distracted, this is what you get...

One adorable, lovable, kissable, huggable, laughing, smiling, talking baby E.

And the piggytails are getting harder and harder to keep in. Not because she pulls them out, but because she is all over the place and they get yanked out slowly. And sometimes, Mama is just too darn tired to fight the wiggly-ness to put those things back in. So I just stuck her in a headband.

But the hair was outta control from being up all day.

How can you look so precious while rocking a 'do like that???

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